Created by Ktos & Amakuu to provide an inventory system to RedEM:RP. Can be found at
All code in this documentation was written on serverside scriptsEvents
To get inventory data there is an event you can call.
-- Serverside
-- Data will contain the functions needed to obtain inventory information and write inventory information
data = {}
data = call
Then to utilize the data object you can do so like this
-- Deletes an item from someones inventory
data.delItem(source, "itemname", count)
-- Adds an item to someone's inventory
data.addItem(source, "itemname", count)
-- Returns the count of "itemname" if it exists
data.checkItem(source, "itemname")
It’s also possible to add and remove weaponry from someone’s inventory using the following functions
-- If you'd like to add a weapon, use this function
data.addItem(source, "itemname", ammo, WeaponHash)
-- If you'd like to delete a weapon, use this function
data.delItem(source, "itemname", ammo, WeaponHash)
Last modified June 17, 2020: tweak: use git submodules & modify structure (d08273f)