
06 Aug 2017

Finally what people have been wanting, MySQL support. Well kind of, there is support for intercepting data and manipulating it yourself. Anyway, this comes with a resource that will make MySQL work again for the base data that comes with EssentialMode! MySQL support

How to use MySQL.

Download esplugin_mysql
Make sure you have MySQL-Async installed and working
Import the SQL file that comes with esplugin_mysql
Set this convar in your server configuration: set es_enableCustomData 1
Make sure that your load order is correct, make sure essentialmode starts before esplugin_mysql and MySQL-Async starts before essentialmode
Start the server
Stop whining at @Kanersps about MySQL kthx

On how to implement your own data saving take a look at esplugin_mysql


You can enable logging by setting the default settings enableLogging to true, when you do that a log file will be created every day with what happened, for example when admin commands are ran or when someone is kicked. It will also log some errors that may happen Wrappers


Client wrappers for the user are available now, you can use these by either doing:

client_script '@essentialmode/server/player/wrappers.lua'


local user = exports.essentialmode:getUser()

In any file you want to use it in, the previous statement will make the user table available in your entire resource.


No changes

Compatibility issues

No changes