


First you need to download the following resources (middle mouseclick to open them in a new tab)


  1. Make sure you’ve read the notices above
  2. When you downloaded the above download and move/extract the files to your resources folder
  3. Make sure that the name of fivem-mysql-async is mysql-async
  4. Setup the following in your server configuration file(be sure to change the MySQL connection string options):
set es_enableCustomData 1
set mysql_connection_string "server=;uid=root;password=1202;database=redemrp"
ensure esplugin_mysql
ensure mysql-async
ensure redem
ensure redem_roleplay
ensure redemrp_identity
# Other addons belows (provided an example)
ensure redemrp_respawn #example
  1. Create a database named “redemrp” in your MySQL server (all content will be automatically created on first run of your server)
  2. Start your RedM server
  3. Magic!